Profile image of Asami


Nagata Asami

Hi, you might've known me by the name Nyasami. I'm a 2nd year student at Hanoi University of Science and Technology currently majoring in automation and control engineering, and coding is my hobby.

I'm a self-taught developer and I've been coding for about 3 years now. I mostly work with web development, but I also have experience in other fields like automation, game development, penetration testing, and more.

IRL I'm also do PC hardware technician in building PC and fixing them. If you have any Desktop or Laptop hardware that you want to troubleshooting or replace, just reach me out on Discord or Telegram.

(DM me on my Discord or Telegram to Hosting your stuff for 5$ a month)

My Stuffs

Here are some of my projects and works that I've done. Click on them to view more details.

This site was made with pure HTML, CSS, JS